Green Blood

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Artists contribute to stop the loss nature’s blood

Charity Group Show for Greenpeace

A cura di Alexandra Mazzanti e Tara McPherson

14 Giugno – 20 Luglio 2012 / inaugurazione 14 Giugno alle 19:00

Il sangue verde della natura differisce dal nostro solo per un atomo, il magnesio al posto del ferro. Gemelli degli alberi e dipendenti gli uni dagli altri.

Un legame atavico da cui nasce il ful­cro dell’elaborazione delle dottrine mistiche riguardanti l’aspetto segreto del creato.

L’albero ricorre da sempre quale sim­bolo della vita.

Nella cabalà è il programma secondo il quale si è svolta la creazione dei mon­di; è il cammino di discesa lungo la quale le anime e le creature hanno raggiunto la loro forma attuale.

Esso è anche il sentiero di risalita, attraverso cui l’intero creato può ritornare al traguardo cui tutto anela: l’unità del “grembo del Creatore”.

L’“Albero della Vita” è la “scala di Giacobbe” (vedi Genesi 28), la cui base è appoggiata sulla terra, e la cui cima tocca il cielo. Agli alberi, memori dell’antico patto di sangue, alle crea­ture dal sangue verde si ispirano gli artisti della mostra Green Blood, coinvolgendo la natura nella sua totalità e rappresentan­done le sue entità attraverso una pittura surrealistica.

Alla mostra Green Blood curata dalla gallerista Alexandra Mazzanti assieme all’artista newyorkese Tara McPherson, han­no aderito ventisei artisti esponenti della corrente Neo Surrea­lista internazionale.

Tara McPherson, Jeff Soto, Martin Wittfooth, Travis Louie, Lola, Brandi Milne, Leila Ataya, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Roland Tamayo, Ana Bagayan, Scott Musgrove, Yosuke Ueno, Sergio Mora, Dave Coo­per, Paolo Guido, Afan, Alessia Iannet­ti, Anastasia Kurakina, Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters, Chris Ryniak, Ixie Dar­konn, Amanda Spayd, Mr Klevra and Corine Perier.

Gli artisti parteciperanno all’espo­sizione che si terrà il 14 Giugno alla Dorothy Circus Gallery di Roma cia­scuno con un’opera inedita composta appositamente sul tema.

Il 50% del ricavato delle vendite verrà de­voluto all’Associazione Greenpeace

‘To be able to collaborate on ideas and join forces within the concept of the ‘Green Blood’ of nature is a very special opportunity for us as artists.

To show, along with the visual allure, how powerful our con­tent and message can be within our art works.

To support our planet and those who are working to make it a better safer place, and to charities with wonderful causes.

These are the reasons I am so excited to be a part of this exhi­bition. I feel it’s a very important aspect, even a responsibility, of being an artist; to have a voice that speaks positively to the public and to give back to the planet for important causes. I am so happy to be working along side you for this great show.’

Tara McPherson

Testo a cura di Alexandra Mazzanti

Artists contribute to stop the loss nature’s blood

Charity Group Show for Greenpeace

Show curated by Alexandra Mazzanti and Tara McPherson

June 14th – July 20th 2012 / opening reception July 14th at 7:00 pm

The green blood of nature differs from ours only for an atom, magnesium inste­ad of iron.

Twins of the trees and dependent upon each other. One ancestral link led to the development of the core mystical doctrines concerning the se­cret aspect of creation.

The tree has always been used as a symbol of life.

In the Kabbalah is the program accor­ding to which there was the creation of the world, and the path of descent along which the souls and creatures have rea­ched their present form. It is also the path slope, through which the entire creation can return to the goal which we all long: the unity of the “womb of the Creator.” “Tree of Life” is the “Ja­cob’s Ladder” (Genesis 28), whose base is resting on the ground and its top touches the sky.

By trees, reminiscent of the ancient blood pact, by the green blood creatures, the artists of the Green Blood are inspired, involving the nature in its entirety and representing its entities through a surrealistic painting.

Green Blood show, curated by Alexandra Mazzanti with New York artist Tara McPherson, features twenty-six international artists from the Neo Surrealist scene.

Tara McPherson, Jeff Soto, Martin Wittfooth, Travis Louie, Lola, Brandi Milne, Leila Ataya, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Roland Tamayo, Ana Bagayan, Scott Musgro­ve, Yosuke Ueno, Sergio Mora, Dave Cooper, Paolo Guido, Afan, Alessia Iannetti, Anastasia Kurakina, Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters, Chris Ryniak, Ixie Darkonn, Amanda Spayd, Mr Klevra and Corine Perier.

The artists will participate to the exhibition that will take place on June 14th 2012 at Dorothy Circus Gallery in Rome, each with a brand new artwork composed on the Green Blood theme. 50% of the proceeds from sales will be donated to Greenpeace.

‘To be able to collaborate on ideas and join forces within the concept of the ‘Green Blood’ of nature is a very special opportunity for us as artists.

To show, along with the visual allure, how powerful our con­tent and message can be within our art works.

To support our planet and those who are working to make it a better safer place, and to charities with wonderful causes.

These are the reasons I am so excited to be a part of this exhi­bition. I feel it’s a very important aspect, even a responsibility, of being an artist; to have a voice that speaks positively to the public and to give back to the planet for important causes. I am so happy to be working along side you for this great show.’

Tara McPherson

Foreword by Alexandra Mazzanti
